

Drop Area

Attach binaries by dropping them here or
selecting one

JavaScript Options

Option Value Default Description
url String '' The request url.
multiple Boolean false Allow multiple files to be uploaded.
name String 'files[]' The name parameter.
type String POST The request type.
params Object {} Additional parameters.
allow String false File name filter. (eg. *.png)
mime String false File MIME type filter. (eg. images/*)
maxSize Number 0 The maximum file size per file. (kB)
concurrent Number 1 Number of files that will be uploaded simultaneously.
type String (xml, json, script, or html) The expected response data type.
msg-invalid-mime String Invalid File Type: %s Invalid MIME type message.
msg-invalid-name String Invalid File Name: %s Invalid name message.
cls-dragover String 'uk-dragover' File name filter.
abort Function null The abort callback.
before-all Function null The beforeAll callback.
before-send Function null The beforeSend callback.
complete Function null The complete callback.
complete-all Function null The completeAll callback.
error Function null The error callback.
load Function null The load callback.
load-end Function null The loadEnd callback.
load-start Function null The loadStart callback.
progress Function null The progress callback.
fail Function alert The fail callback. If name or MIME type are invalid.